MHSCG Survival Guide
Here's what you need to know to have a successful experience in Computer Graphics...
1. Be on time, every day.
There is a direct, undeniable correlation between attendance and success. 2. If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way I taught you the first time. Many questions come from not paying attention during instruction. 3. Be an adult. Adulthood isn't about age. How someone is treated is a direct reflection of how they carry themself. 4. Honesty is paramount. Don't lie about anything. Ever. [see #3]. 5. Own up to your mistakes. We all make mistakes. When you screw up, simply look me in the eye and apologize. [see #3]. 6. If your computer crashes, shuts off, etc., and you lose all of your work, it's your fault for not saving. This server is out to get you. It hates children. Protect yourself by saving every time you do something right. 7. Comic Sans is by far the worst font ever created and should never be used. Why do designers hate Comic Sans so much? Design has purpose. People use Comic Sans because they think it's 'cute' without considering if it is appropriate to what they're doing. 8. Pink should not be a color. I disapprove of its very existence. It is the Comic Sans of color. 9. Other important notes... Hockey is the coolest sport. The Steelers have six Super Bowl rings, the Ravens have two. Today's pop music is rubbish compared to Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd. |